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ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare

ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare (HEALTH) is a multi-disciplinary journal for the publication of high-quality original research papers, survey papers, and challenge papers that have scientific and technological results pertaining to how computing is improving healthcare. This journal is multidisciplinary, intersecting CS, ECE, mechanical engineering, bio-medical engineering, behavioral and social science, psychology, and the health field, in general. All submissions must show evidence of their contributions to the computing field as informed by healthcare. We do not publish papers on large pilot studies, diseases, or other medical assessments/results that do not have novel computing research results. Datasets and other artifacts needed to support reproducibility of results are highly encouraged, as are proposals for special issues.


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ACM Updates Its Peer Review Policy

ACM is pleased to announce that its Publications Board has approved an updated Peer Review Policy. If you have any questions regarding the update, the associated FAQ addresses topics such as confidentiality, the use of large language models in the peer review process, conflicts of interest, and several other relevant concerns. If there are any issues that are not addressed in the FAQ, please contact ACM’s Director of Publications, Scott Delman.

New ACM Policy on Authorship

ACM has a new Policy on Authorship, covering a range of key topics, including the use of generative AI tools.  Please familiarize yourself with the new policy and the associated list of Frequently Asked Questions.

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